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Are you Looking for a job?
Browse through the jobs on the site and you'll find a great range of jobs all over Ireland and the UK and sometimes further away.
- How do I apply for a Job?
- If you are interested in a job you see on Jobsforcooks then you just need to contact the company directly. No need to contact us, just send and email or pick up the phone. Remember its a great idea to update your CV or Resume first so it is uptodate and has all the relevant information.
- Can you notify me of a new job?
Yes. You can sign up here and decide how often you would like to recieve an email with details of all the new jobs that have been posted. This is the best way to get details of all the new jobs available.
- Can you find me a job?
- Jobs for Cooks is not a recruitment agency. If you see a job you like on the site, you should contact the employer directly by email or phone.
- Is your website secure?
- All traffic to and from our website is done via our secure website using a TLS certificate from
- Anything else?
- We would love if you would mention if you do apply for a job, this way the employer knows that our service is useful.